Korogocho Slum in Nairobi has 200’000 people depending on 37 schools, all of them with terrible sanitary conditions except the ones we already renovated with our local partner MAT. Your donation is going to help Toilets For All with it’s partners to improve the wellbeing of the people of Korogocho with safe sanitation and handwashing station. All latrines will be equipped with the newly developed sensors and AI-enabled system by Mobile Alert Toilets together with Kenyan and Swiss Partners.
We are now planning to roll-out our program to all remaining 36 schools in the Korogoch Slums. We will be starting with these 5 schools for which you can find all the details here (location, description and photos).
We welcome your contribution to this important cause to give all these school children a decent toilet and handwashing station, a basic necessity and human right.
Every amount counts, your contribution can make a real difference. A donation of USD 10.00 will give one child access to proper toilet and handwashing facilities.
You can make your donation online (just select Toilets for All in the dropdown list), through check or a wire transfer, you find all details here.