Worldbank - Potential of Container based sanitation
The study “Evaluating the Potential for Container-Based Sanitation” looks at container-based sanitation (CBS), an emerging sanitation approach. The objective of this study is to document and assess existing CBS approaches, with a particular focus on evaluating their safety, reliability, affordability, and financial viability.
World can't wait for sewers - advancing container based sanitation businesses
For many low-income residents in urban areas, flush toilets and connections to a piped sewer or septic system are simply not an option. The world needs a viable, high-quality alternative to piped sanitation. That’s why a small number of groups around the world are pioneering the concept of container-based sanitation.
OECD - Making Blended Finance Work for Water and Sanitation
Investments in water and sanitation are a prerequisite to deliver on the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular on SDG 6 ensuring availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all. Blended finance can play an important role in strategically investing development finance to mobilise additional commercial finance needed to fill the current investment gaps.
Copenhagen consensus: Pit latrines or Container based toilets
The present study aims to estimate the costs and benefits of sanitation interventions to attain universal sanitation coverage in Haiti’s urban areas. Two interventions were identified: 1) pit latrines connected to septic tanks and 2) a container based sanitation (CBS) service.