Waterless toilets is a business opportunity with over 4 billion potential users

Sanitation is in a global crisis. Today, over 4 billion people lack access to safely managed sanitation services. Almost 1 in 3 people does not have access to a safe toilet (2.5 billion people).

This represents one of the largest unmet customer needs in the world. Finding solutions to adequately and cost-effectively provide services to meet these needs is challenging, but solutions have been developed and are being rolled-out in most parts of the world.

It will take the concerted efforts of governments, private sector and non-profits to scale the solutions and provide the required regulations, tarifs and financings to reach all these customers.

By setting the business up in a circular fashion, additional revenues can be generated by the three main resources :

  • Compost

  • Biochar has a variety of usages, e.g. as a soil amendment  for replenishing soil carbon, for industrial use in filters or as fuel.

  • Struvite, a phosphorus mineral, can be directly applied in agriculture


Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and benefits of container-based sanitation


Why the waterless, container-based toilet is the solution to off-grid communities’ health, equality and economic stability